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Custom Wheels
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Augusta's Only UBI/DT Swiss Certified
Last updated:
August 27, 2003 05:13 PM
On this page, we strive to provide you with the most comprehensive trail information available in the CSRA. As in building a good trail, this takes time and a lot of work. While we are on the subject, that is what we have to discuss first.....Trail Building and Maintenance.
Bill Victor, is heading up the ambitious Mecca Trails Project with SORBA CSRA. This project, undertaken in conjunction with SCPRT-South Carolina Parks Recreation and Tourism, the USFS-United States Forest Service, and others will greatly enhance the present system of trails in the area and probably, most importantly, increase the number of trails available for our use. Bill, along with Wes Prince, who has departed the area, worked valiantly to secure sizable grants to help attain these goals.
There is an on-going series of work parties to build and maintain trails. What we are asking is that you contact Bill Victor at his E-Mail or call him at 706-832-8496 and volunteer for a few hours and give back to the sport with a contribution of some of your time and effort.
What you will gain besides the satisfaction of helping, is an understanding of trail construction techniques and a new appreciation of what it takes to properly build a trail. These work parties are not all work and no play. They are a great way to meet other riders and network about trails, rides and swap stories. By all means bring your bike and trail dog.
Trail Work Parties
To find out about scheduled work parties, call:
Mecca Trails Assoc. Work Party Hot line
(706) 832-8496
Manfred Edelmann has drawn beautiful, printable maps for you to use to find the many trails in the CSRA. Just click the link below, wait till the page loads and hit the print button on your browser if you want a hard copy. Click on the individual trails for more detailed maps. Enjoy!
Baker Creek State Park: The Park is 4 miles west of McCormick. Go up Hwy 28 past Modoc, Parksville and Plum Branch. Stay straight on 28 past the fork in the road and turn left onto Hwy 378 just past the Subway. Proceed for 4 miles and make a right onto Huguenot Pkwy. Proceed for maybe a mile and turn into the entrance gate on the left. Go all the way to the back of park, and meet at Pavilion.
Turkey Creek Trail and Wine Creek Trail: From Augusta, Ga., take US Highway 221/SC28 north to SC23 at Modoc, SC. Turn right onto SC23. Drive approximately 7 miles, you will come to SC118,turn left. Proceed for approximately 3 miles to SC138. Drive approximately 3 miles. The Turkey Creek Trail begins approximately 200 yards past the Key Bridge on the left side of the road, and Wine Creek on the right. There is a small parking area here.
Modoc Trail (Stevens Creek): From Augusta, Ga., take US Highway 221/SC28 north to SC23 at Modoc, SC. Turn right onto SC23. Drive approximately 3 miles you will come to a parking area on the left side of the road, right before the steel bridge, park here. The trail begins at this parking lot.
The So. Carolina Parks Recreation and Tourism's South Carolina Trails Program
United States Mountain Bike Trails Project